Flowing nicely today
I've been playing happily for most of the day today. I started with morning pages - 3 whole pages. This is progress. After a shower, I did some of my personal artwork. I 'completed' a painting which was an exercise from the Vicky Barber book, using gestures as its basis. I unwrapped my new plastacine modelling clay, and had a play with it. A flying figure formed under my fingers, like a ghost or an angel. Later, I'll create a papier mache model of it. Then I did another illustrated journal entry.

For the rest of the day, I've been working through weeks one and two of the A215 Creative Writing coursebook. I'm planning to post some extracts on Writing me Down. I've been for a stroll round the village, and taken my usual route up Mill Hill to get heart and lungs working. It's good to get out, surrounded by the smell of coal fires and the sound of rooks yak-yaking on the warm rooftops.
I'm enjoying writing again. It is calming. It puts me back in touch with myself.
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