
Bob is a Harris Hawk. He is leading John (the Head Falconer) and I back to the falconery, where he knows dinner will be waiting.
Dad bought me a Hawk Walk for my birthday this year. Available from Thorp Perrow - which also happens to be a remarkably beautiful arboretum. Well worth a visit.

How fantastic - you must have been thrilled. I know that I would be. Brilliant present!
When was your b'day? I didn't know...
and, is that really you? You aren't as tall as I had imagined :-)
My birthday was in July! With the move and subsequent stream of visitors, I hadn't been able to book the Hawkwalk in until now.
It was a thrilling experience. He was such a magnificent creature. Watching as he flew to the bait on my hand was incredible. Too many superlatives here, but there you go.
Yes, that's really me. Rick would laugh to hear that you'd imagined I was tall. He's always ribbing me about my diminutive stature. I think calling me a hobbit is going a bit far, though, don't you?
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