Visual Music
Today's art was practising synasthesia (sp?) - experiencing one sense using another. In this case, interpreting the music I could hear into visual shapes and colours. I have no idea what I'm doing, but here's what I produced. I have to say, I missed having the guidance of my tutor and the company of my fellow students.

I love the squares. What a great poster that would make.
What are blogger and google up to? When I click to come ot the comments page, something gets sent to google.analytical, or some such address. Puts me instantly into paranoia mode!
Wierd! How do you know? I've got a firewall which normally snitches on any programme trying to access my PC.
Hi Carole,.
That is an unusual genre, isn't it? It is beautiful. so much can be done with music anyway, for example music therapy for terminally ill.
I had computer paranoia the other day, I couldn't get my Itunes to work. Duh, I finally figured it out - something simple - muted. OMG how stupid can you get?
We are expecting an ice storm today. Now, I really want to get out, it always works that way.
Bye for now,
Hi Connie,
An ice storm? Urgh. Sounds horrid. Is that like hail? Hard drops of ice that clatter on the roof and bounce off the floor?
It's a shame when you need to get out of the house and the weather is awful. I keep saying I'll go out anyway, but it's not much fun in a storm.
Wrap up,
Hi Carole
Well, I did go out and it was okay,but now the ice is falling. Actually, it is freezing rain that sticks to everything, the woods look like crystal. It is called rime ice.
By the way us that a sand covered foot? Nice.
I am going to hang the wreaths today. Probably fall and break my neck.
Hi Connie,
Do try not to fall off!
Yes, it is a sand-covered foot. I was in Cornwall, and just fascinated with the jewelled appearance of the sand, the way it is made up of tiny pieces of shell, stone and crystal.
Enjoy making your home look festive!
Hi Sue,
How are things? I left a message on your blog (which I finally found by clicking on your name here).
I'd love to have been able to do the Art and Environment OU course. Such a shame they stopped it.
I start the writing module in February. I just hope I can fit it in. I've been a bit busy of late, but that's December for you.
Hope all is well.
I knew because I saw the transfer in the status bar
It took some curing, but I now have an extension to Firefox that blocks all script activity unless I specifically allow it. So now blogger and google don't know where I come from, go to, or what I do in the middle. And that's just the way that Ilike it :)
"Yoo hoo!" to Constance and Sue!
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