I shouldn't be here ...
Why am I here? I'm supposed to be preparing for my interview.
Anyway, this morning was our last creative writing session with Dave Woods - and as I foolishly gave you this address, some of you might be reading this! I told you - it's only a diary. It's a shame the classes have finished. Dave's approach is fun and playful, I recommend his classes to anyone.
If any of you are reading this (you know who you are), Will suggested using one of these 'blog' thingies to share our writing with each other. I said I'd mention it, and then forgot. (Senility beckons, such a shame, so young ...) If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll be happy to set one up for us. It's dead easy, honest.
This afternoon saw me using my creative writing skills to pose interview questions to myself. I then let my pen whizz away to answer them. Sort of interview rehearsal. If only I could hand the written pages to my interviewer! One day and counting ...